27 August 2010

U Is For Underwater

   I recently finished the book Undine about a water spirit from a kingdom in a lake who marries a knight in order to gain a soul. Found as a child, she replaced the lost daughter of a fisherman and his wife, until she was able to travel and find their true daughter. I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't read it; however, this book got me thinking about how different things must look underwater, so I did some research. I found Scott Rhea, a photographer who does scenes underwater that look absolutely magical.

Images from Scott Rhea's website: http://www.rheapipeline.com/underwater.htm

26 August 2010

T Is For Timepiece

     Sorry for the delay. School just began and I've been so busy with homework and other school-related activities. Recently I've been looking at fall accessories: hats, scarves, gloves, jewelry; however, my favorites are watches. I love the big clunky watches that can dress down fall's ruffles and balance out slim silhouettes and the clock pendants that can go with just about anything. I especially love odd ones, ones that are unexpected when paired with an outfit, such as these.

21 August 2010

R Is For Reunion

Yes readers, I know that I skipped the letter R; however, that was only because I was having trouble getting my camera working (it's quite finicky), and didn't want you to have to wait for another post for very long. So, I decided to go ahead and move on to the letter S and postpone R. But now, I am going to tell you a story of a girl and a jacket.
    Once upon a time, last summer, a certain fashion blogger (though she did not know she would become one yet) walked into a boutique in search of a piece, a piece that she could use to create the art that is fashion.After a while of browsing around, she saw the most amazing navy blue jacket with ruffles all along the front and on the sleeves. Many, many possible outfits flashed through her mind; however, when she looked at the price tag, her heart nearly stopped. This jacket was way to far out of her price range, and she would be forced to leave it (but not before trying it on). She parted, vowing to return to see if the jacket's price would lower maybe a little, but she was too late. In these hard economic times, the boutique could not stay open, and was forced to close its doors forever. From time to time she thought about the jacket, wondered if anyone bought it and where it could be. She thought about its smooth texture and the outfits she had envisioned. One day, a few months ago, the fashion blogger's mother took her to a resale shop a few miles from their home. The girl tried on and paraded around in many different vintage items, but then, what did she see? It was her beloved jacket! And for only $16, she could not believe her luck. The girl bought the jacket with glee, but unfortunately, it is extremely hot where the girl lives, and she must wait at least a few more months to wear her beloved jacket, but she wants to share with her readers just how wonderful her jacket is.

Sorry, but my my camera has been acting up lately and takes somewhat blurry pictures.

Unfortunately, it's much too warm here to wear my jacket just yet, but I couldn't resist showing you! I can't wait for colder weather.


19 August 2010

S is for Secret

The Secret Garden that is. I just revisited one of my favorite childhood classics that tells of three children, two quite ill and ill-tempered, who grow and thrive along with their seemingly magical forbidden garden. I love this book for its descriptions. Frances Hodgeson Burnett is an amazing writer, and this is a story for people of all ages. Burnett's descriptions really got my imagination going, so if you are in a creative slump, this might be the book for you. Burnett's classic also inspired Vogue China's August editorial, which I hope you enjoy.

17 August 2010

Q Is For Quirky

I have never been able to describe my style in one word. I take inspiration from everywhere, from people, artwork, places. That's what I love about fashion, one may express oneself in so many different ways. One may dress in many different ways with many different accessories, from sleek and refined look to my style, quirky. By quirky, I don't exactly mean awkward, but odd and unique. I don't know what it is about quirky fashion that draws me in. I think its the originality, the essence of that person made visible. I said in an earlier post that fashion is art, and an outfit temporary art. What I wear is very much influenced by my mood and my recent music interests or a book that I read. As of late, I've been mostly fantasy books (and I often dream of mythical creatures), and find myself going for a more ethereal look. Gauzy and flowing tops, long skirts, feathered hats, and small embellished purses have been my main favorites. I've fallen in love with fairytale-like fashion (though, much to my disappointment, I cant go out in ballgowns everyday), and I hope that you will too.
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Alexander Mcqueen (may he rest in peace) Fall 2010
Images from: http://www.style.com/fashionshows/fullscreen/F2010RTW-AMCQUEEN/

13 August 2010

P Is For Prince

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I went on vacation and had NO INTERNET ACCESS; however, I did have cable, and on the last night of my vacation, I was able to watch one of my favorite movies, Purple Rain, about a troubled musician, played by the very talented Prince, and his struggling romance and music career. I love Prince in this movie. His acting, costumes, and performances make him seem almost surreal.  I've always loved Prince's style and music, and he is at his best in this film.


03 August 2010

O Is For Oscar de la Renta

One of my favorite designers of all time, Oscar de la Renta's designs always amaze me, especially his gowns. Stunningly beautiful silhouettes, amazing detail, exquisite fabrics, and gorgeous prints all showcase not only de la Renta's genius, but his true eye for beauty as well. De la Renta's collections are always a treat, and his designs like candy for the eye.