Sorry my dear readers! I've been awful with the upkeep of this blog as of late; however, I'm doing my very best to fix that. I've finally got some downtime and wanted to share with you my most recent obsession, my hair. When I was young I had very long, thick hair, which I took for granted; however, as I've gotten older and gone through quite a few damaging (and traumatic) experiences, I've been left with hair that falls about an inch past my shoulder and seems to not want to grow any more. I've got very curly hair, the toughest type to grow out, but I'm going to do my best!
My rather messy, too short hair in a boring style for school
I've recently gotten my ends trimmed, and am ready to start my hair growth journey. First off, products I'll be using:
- Organix Renewing Morrocan Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner
- 100% Pure Jojoba Oil (to moisturize and keep ends and scalp healthy)
- Garnier Fructis Curl Sculpting Cream Gel (I don't use much of this, as to not clog any follicles)
Tips, tricks, and other things I'll be trying will be shared, so stay tuned.