24 June 2010

E is for Enchantment

Lost princesses. Beautiful Faeries. Magical Woods. Mythical Creatures. We've all imagined ourselves a part of this world at one time or another, maybe when we were young or while daydreaming in math class. I often have very vivid dreams at night, sometimes of fairytale magic and happenings (good and bad), that inspire my daily life: my music (i play piano), my art, or what I wear. Here are a few fairytale-inspired looks and photos.
mages from: http://www.tangerine-eater.com/2008/06/fairy-tale-fashion-shoot.html
and polyvore


  1. I love your writing. The way you write, your style and signature. Its very elegant almost. Like a storyteller. Lovely post! I enjoy reading your blog!

    Raeshelle of The Marchesa

  2. I love these pictures, and that first polyvore is what I want to wear every day of my life! :)

